- 脉冲星为什么旋转? Pulsar spins from an instability in the accretion shock of supernovae?
- 逆时针旋转 contrarotate
- 自动旋转 autogiration
- 为什么不试一试这种新药? Why not try this new drug?
- 你为什么不揍他一顿? Why don't you soak him?
- 炮筒旋转自如。 The gun traverses smoothly.
- 这些就是我们为什么要做这事的理由。 These are the reasons why we do it.
- (使)旋转 swivel
- 他没有解释他为什么迟到。 He omitted to explain why he had been late.
- 每一次旋转都使螺丝钉更向里进。 At each turn the screw goes in further.
- 我曾经愚蠢地问他为什么老是微笑。 I once stupidly asked him why he smiled so often.
- 左旋转 levorotation
- 他无法说清楚为什么旷课。 He could not account for his absence from school.
- 脉冲星:高密度、快速旋转、发射脉冲光的星体。 Pulsar: A dense, rapidly rotating star that emits pulses of light.
- 为什么每次都怪我? Why pick on me every time?
- 电扇的桨叶在闷热的房内旋转着。 The electric fan blades whirled in the hot room.
- 你为什么要介入他们的争吵呢? Why should you get involved in their fray?
- 跳舞者随着音乐的节拍旋转。 The dancers gyrated to the beat of the music.
- 你为什么要坚持写这些东西呢? Why do you persist in writing these things?
- 一台小马达驱动着轮子旋转。 A small motor revolves the wheels.