- 能不能算我一份? Can I get in on that?
- 你如果有时间,能不能将我们的合同文本发一份给我!拜托了! If you have time, could you please forward a copy of the contract to us? Thank you a lot beforehand.
- 我一上午都要开会,你能不能帮我接一下电话? I'll be in a meeting all morning,can you take my calls?
- 不能 cannot
- 能不能帮我查一下杰克的传呼机号码?我需要从他手里拿一份重要文件。 A: Could you help me check Jack's pager number? I need a document from him.
- 为何不能算我一个 Why did not count in me
- 不能不 cannot but
- 能不能算便宜一点? Give me a discount.
- 老板因我不能找出差错而痛骂了我一顿。 The boss rapped me on knuckles for failing to spot the mistake.
- 你能不能算便宜一点? Can you come down On the price?
- 一份不能撤消的合同;一个牢不可破的联盟 An indissoluble contract;an indissoluble union.
- 我只是想随便看看,看能不能买到什么礼品带回国去。 I just want to look around and see if I can get any gifts to take home.
- 可是我不妨对你说,我是新来者,我还不能算是已经加入你们那假面跳舞会呢 but I don't mind telling you that as a newcomer I can't yet imagine myself taking part in your masquerade!"
- 仔,你的离去使身边爱你的人留下一份不能治愈的伤痛。 Sonny, your departure has left behind an incurable wound on all those who love you.
- 在这个问题上你能不能真正地跟我说实话? Will you be quite frank with me about this matter?
- 如果你不能来吃饭,告诉我一声好吗? Will you let me know if you can't come to dinner?
- 你能不能想像一家大公司的总裁居然不太注意衣着? Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn't care much about dress?
- 在我看来,这次演出恐怕不能算是完全成功的。 I'm afraid that the performance was not a total success.
- 我们的想法是,如果你不能找到工作,你最好为自己创造一份。 Our idea was,if you couldn't find a job,you'd make one for yourself.
- 我使劲擦这个污迹,看能不能将它去掉。 I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off.