- 能不能告诉我价格多少? Could you tell me how much it costs?
- 你能不能告诉我,在美国你们所庆祝的其它主要节假日呢? Would you please tell me the other principal holidays celebrated in the United States?
- 能不能告诉我价格多少? Can you tell me how much it cost?
- 您能不能告诉我,是不是在这里可以搭公共汽车去布鲁克林博物馆? could you tell me if this is where I can catch a bus to he Brooklyn Museum?
- 告诉我价格。 Let me know the price.
- 老大。你你到底能不能告诉我谁是中国的领导啊?快晕了他 Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of
- 能不能告诉我费用是多少钱? Oh,and could I ask how much the fare is?
- 能不能告诉我这次是怎么对付过去的? Could you tell me how you dealt with it this time?
- 你能不能告诉你宿舍的女孩子有关聚会的事? Could you tell the girls in your dorm about the party?
- 您能告诉我行李的最大重量限额是多少吗? Could you tell me what the maximum weight allowance is?
- 我认为双方坚持各自的价格是不明智的,我们能不能双方都作些让步? I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price. Can we each make some concession?
- 您能不能告诉我们可以在那儿看一看波波罗广场 Can you tell us where we can obtain a sight of the Piazza del Popolo?"
- 其实,他的问题很简单,那就是:你能不能告诉我爱是什么? In fact,his question was very simple:"Can you tell me something about love,about what it is?"
- 能不能告诉我取消号码? Can you tell me the cancellation number?
- 嗯,你能不能先告诉我你是怎么计算的? Well,could you first of all tell me how you make the calculation?
- 你能不能告诉我你的地址? Could you tell me where you live?
- 布什: 很有意思,不过你能不能告诉我,为什么企业会受益而不会受损? sounds interesting,but could you tell me why it may benefit rather than suffer?
- 你能不能告诉我帝国戏院怎么走? Can you tell me how to get to the imperial Theater?
- 劳驾,你能不能告诉我到火车站怎么走? I'm sorry to bother you, but can you direct me to the railway station?
- 能不能告诉我怎么去新华书店? Can you tell me how to get to the Xinhua book store?