- 肥料什么时侯运到地里? When is the fertilizer to be taken to the fields?
- 什么 what
- 时 hour
- 落到陆地的水,如雨、雪、霜、雹可以蒸发掉、流掉或渗透到地里。 Water that reaches the land as rain, snow, sleet, or hail may evaporate, run off, or soak into the ground
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 将粪肥撒到地里 to spread muck on the fields
- 什么时候 when
- 什么时侯 when
- 到地里去把那些孩子们赶走。 Go into the field and clear those children off.
- 去年你通常在什么时侯起床? What time did you use to get up last year?
- 一个死了的乞丐躺在雪地里。 A beggar was lying dead in the snow.
- 当我女儿需要什么时,她总是对我过分殷勤。 My daughter is all over me when she wants something.
- 他把一根桩子插进地里。 He poked a stake into the earth.
- 你什么时侯搬出宿舍的? When did you move out of the dormitory?
- 农夫在地里播上小麦种子。 The farmer sowed the field with wheat.
- 我什么时侯来取票? When shall I come to get the ticket?
- 内德(马名)一放到地里,它就撒开蹄子,跑到小溪边其它的马儿中去了。 As soon as Ned was released into the field he kicked up his heels and ran off to join the other horses near the stream.
- 他什么时侯得到那些珍本的? When did he come into possession of those rare books?
- 植物从地里吸收水分。 Plants suck up moisture from the earth.
- 什么时侯他都管我们叫"小伙子们"。 On all occasions he referred to us as "lads".