- 羧肽酶类A carboxypeptidase A
- 羧肽酶类 carboxypeptidase E
- 羧肽酶A Carboxypeptidase A
- 还对羧肽酶 A 和 B 的固定化条件及稳定性进行了探讨。 The conditions for immobilization ofcarboxypeptidase A,B and stability of these immobilized enzymes have alsobeen studied.
- 内肽酶类 Endopeptidases
- 目的从人正常肺组织中提取羧肽酶A基因并进行定点突变。 Aim To extract human carboxypeptidase A(hCPA)gene from pulmonary tissue and make point mutation to develop a new enzyme for antibody directed enzyme prodrug therapy(ADEPT).
- 金属内肽酶类 Metalloendopeptidases
- 马铃薯中羧肽酶抑制剂的放射免疫分析 Radioimmunoassay of Carboxypeptidase Inhibitor from Potato
- 丝氨酸内肽酶类 Serine endopeptidases
- 氨肽酶 aminopeptidase
- 血管紧张素转化酶相关性羧肽酶(ACE2) ACE-related carboxypeptidase(ACE2)
- 氨基肽酶 aminopeptidase
- 氨基多肽酶 aminopolypeptidase
- 二肽酶把二肽水解成其组成成分氨基酚的酶 An enzyme that hydrolyzes dipeptides into their constituent amino acids.
- 白氨酸氨基肽酶 leucine aminopeptidase
- 锌肽酶 zinc peptidase
- 内肽酶 endopeptidase
- 胰肽酶E elastase
- 转肽酶 transpeptidase
- 金属肽酶 metallopeptidase