- 美发师 friseur
- 这位43岁的美发师几乎没有拿过什么比吹风机更重的东西。 The 43-year-old hairdresser rarely lifted anything heavier than a blow- dryer.
- 当地的农民/美发师 a local farmer/hairdresser
- 美发师:您想要怎么理? Hairdresser:How do you like it ,sir?
- 美发 hairdressing
- 美发师:您想剪成什么样子? Hairdresser : How do you like your haircut ?
- 师兄弟 (senior and junior) fellow apprentice
- 三人行必有我师 Two heads are always better than one
- 美容美发 cosmetology
- 面包师 doughhead
- 占卜师 augur
- 税务师 tax accountant
- 美发沙龙 cosmetic center
- 规划师 planner
- 护师 Nurse Practitioner
- 验光师 optometrist
- 刻章师 engraver
- 评估师 appraiser
- 理疗师 Physical Therapist
- 班师 withdraw troops from the front