- 缎带是什麽颜色的? What color is the ribbon?
- `天空是什麽颜色的?'`是蓝的。' `What colour is the sky?' `It's blue.'
- 她头发是什麽颜色? PEDR What color is her hair?
- 是什麽颜色有关系吗? Does it matter what colour it is?
- 彼得说:“你这个人!我不晓得你说的是什麽!”正说话之间,鸡就叫了。 Peter replied, "Man, I don't know what you're talking about!" Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed.
- 爸爸,风是什麽颜色? What color is the wind, Daddy?
- 无论他怎么努力说明,我还是想像不出他的设计到底是什麽样子。 No matter how hard he tried, I still have no visualization of his design.
- 我们为了用甚麽颜色的新地毯险些打了起来。 We almost came to blows over what colour our new carpet should be.
- 我们为了用甚麽颜色的新地毯险些打了起来 We almost came to blows over what colour our new carpet should be.
- 对以色列人说:“日后你们的子孙问他们的父亲说:‘这些石头是什麽意思? He said to the Israelites, "In the future when your descendants ask their fathers, 'What do these stones mean?
- 街道停车管理员的职责是什麽? What are the duties of a traffic warden?
- 这剧本的主题是什麽? What is the essential theme of the play?
- 暗灰色的领带配什麽颜色的衬衣都行。 A neutral tie can be worn with a shirt of any colour.
- 天哪!那是什麽? Heavens, what is that?
- 那是什麽树? What kind of/sort of tree is that?
- 你们校训是什麽? What's your school motto?
- 你知道这是什麽吗? Do you know what this is?
- 他是什麽来历? What are his origins?
- 那到底是什麽? What the fuck is it?
- 是什麽天使幽灵使苍天轮转;从而使金星落于西天的晚霞,又升起在灿烂的东方? What is the spirit that makes the firmament revolve; wherefore does the evening star sink into the western wave but to rise from the radiant East?