- 维生素AD注射剂 Admin
- 注射剂 injection
- 维生素AD滴剂对着床期小鼠的致畸作用 Teratogenicity of imbedding mice with Vitamin AD guttate
- 维生素AD滴剂联合克霉唑治疗婴儿尿布性皮炎 Effects of vitamin AD combined with clotrimazole on infant diaper dermatitis
- 剂 dose
- 浓缩维生素AD滴剂加达克宁散与婴儿热痱粉治疗红臀的应用比较 To Assess the Therapeutic Efficacy of Vitamin AD Concentrate Drops Adding Pulvis Miconazoli Natrii Compared to Baby Prickly Heat Powder for Diaper Rash
- 转移因子、维生素AD及葡萄糖酸锌治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染疗效观察 Observation of curative effect of transfer factor and vitamin AD and zine gluconate on children with recurrent respiratory tract infections
- 白喉注射剂 antidipheritic injection
- 联合皮肤墨水与维生素AD胶丸标记在脊椎与脊髓病变MRI定位中的应用 The Application of Combining Skin Ink With Vit AD in MRI Localization of Spine Vertebrae and Myeleterosis
- 注射剂) Novolin 30R Penfill<降血糖药>
- 应用卡介苗素、维生素AD、葡萄糖酸锌联合治疗儿童哮喘 ,疗效满意 ,值得推荐 BCG-TSN combined with VitAD and Zinc gluconate has satisfactory effects on pediatric asthma.
- 胰岛素粉雾剂与注射剂治疗2型糖尿病的随机对照临床研究 Insulin dry powder inhalation comparing with subcutaneous insulin injection in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled clinical trial
- 硒注射剂 Sele-Pak; Selepen
- 注射剂类 parenteralia
- 注射剂室 parenteral solution room
- 钼注射剂 Moly-Pak<微量元素类药>
- 锰注射剂 Manga-Pak<补锰药>
- 非PVC多层共挤膜输液袋及玻璃瓶与大容量注射剂相容性研究 Study of Non-PVC officinal compounding velamen and glass bottle with transfuse of compatibility
- 死亡注射剂包含喷妥撒钠,巴夫龙,氯化钾;快速死亡,无救。 SYRINGE POISON Stain steel, surgical syringe.Contains lethal combination of sodium pentothal, pavulon and potassium chloride.Kill instantly.
- 孕酮注射剂 lutogyl injection