- 他继续不停地烦我,因此,我叫他走开。 He kept on bothering me, so I told him to beat it.
- 他继续不停地烦我,因此,我叫他走开。 He kept on bothering me, so I told him to beat it.
- 他继续不停地讲他在森林里的那次旅行。 He talked on about his travel in the forest.
- 继续 to continue
- 不停 incessant
- 继续不停地 on and on
- 停 to stop
- 不停的 never-ending
- 评论家们强调公司的形势继续不稳。 Critics point to the continuing instability of the company.
- 不停地 ceaselessly
- 你听我说!这种事不能再继续不去了。 Now look here! This sort of thing can't go on.
- 她继续不紧不慢把书一本一本地往地上扔。 She continued deliberately to toss the books severally upon the floor.
- 成功人士,是能为世人想出一些让人们忙个不停的事物之人。 The successful people is the one who can think up thing for the rest of the world to keep busy at.
- 生命的乐趣就是可以让你想继续的继续不想继续的也要继续。 If you have interested about the position of senior merchandiser, I thought you should send your resume to Hontext immediacy, then. Sorry for my poor English.
- "老太太结结巴巴地说个不停,可谁也不明白她说些什么。" "The old lady kept bumbling on about something, but nobody could understand her."
- 医生坚持认为,如果他继续不吃东西,那么不久就性命难保了。 The doctor insisted that if he continued to eat nothing his health would be soon in great danger.
- 开始他比我快,但是我不停地练习,现在情况正好相反。 At first he was quicker than me but I've been practicing and now the boot's on the other foot.
- 虔诚会反对人们继续不虔诚的货物;那就是,直到他穿上自己父亲的衣服。 Piety will frown upon the man who has inherited goods from the impious; that is, until he takes his style of dress from his own father.
- 她被带走然后继续不停地往前。 She got carried away and went on and on.
- 重型卡车日夜不停地从他们家呼啸而过。 Day and night heavy trucks roared past their houses.