- 绘影绘声 (of an event or thing) give a vivid and lifelike description
- 他讲故事总是绘影绘声的,极其生动。 He can always tell stories that are true to life.
- 绘声绘影 in graphic detail
- 人形上面,再没有别的东西可以在图形的天空里描影绘形的了。 Above the figure was nothing that could be mapped elsewhere than on a celestial globe.
- 人形上面,再没有别的东西可以在图形的天空里描影绘形的了。 Above the figure was nothing that could be mapped elsewhere than on a celestial globe.
- 绘影(声)绘声(色) (of an event or thing) give a vivid and lifelike description
- 月神 Luna
- 暗黑破坏神 DIABLO
- 喷绘 Air Brushing
- 绘造个性时尚,影绎七彩人生!绘影精品手绘! Creating a vivid personality fashion, film unravel Colorful Life!
- 六神无主 in a state of utter stupefaction
- 我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。 We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods.
- 画面上左边站着的那个人是在画的其余部分全都绘好之后才加画上去的。 The standing figure to the left was painted in after the rest of the picture was completed.
- 神风 Shenfeng
- 他总是能把插队时候的事情讲得绘声绘影。 He can always describe vividly those incidents that happened while he was living and working in a production team in the countryside.
- 她失了神,回想着自己的童年。 Her mind had strayed back to her childhood.
- 人生是一张白纸,好写最新最美的字,好绘最新最美的画。 Life is a piece of white paper, on which we may write the newest and finest words and draw the newest and finest pictures.
- 面影 face
- 他们的地区地图一角插入了我们为这座城市新绘的街道图。 Our new street plan of the city is inset in a corner of their area map.
- 阿蒙神 Ammon