- 绘制美女与野兽; Animating Beauty And The Beast;
- 席琳在国际上有所突破是在她为迪士尼的电影“BeautyandBeast”(美女与野兽)录制主题曲。 Her record for the song "beauty and beast" for Disney's movie helped her to become known to the whole world.
- 你愿意今天晚上和我一起去看电影《美女与野兽》吗? Would you like to come and see the movie "Beauty and the Beast" with me tonight?
- 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast, written by Bayard Taylor (贝亚德·泰勒)
- 歌手:美女与野兽 The beast lets belle go
- 美女与棺材 Sexy Pin-Ups Model Coffins for Funeral Home
- 她与公司中的那些上级主管合作愉快。 She work well with those superior to her in the firm.
- 他们绘制了南极的地图。 They mapped the South Pole.
- 在你的汽车与前面的卡车之间保持一些距离。 Keep some space between your car and the truck ahead.
- 美女与野兽小游戏 Beauty and the Beast Games
- 从某种意义上讲,才干与教育为成功之要素。 Talent and education are necessary to make good in certain fields.
- 把工资高与劳动力短缺联系在一起了 Loud rejoicings after the victory
- 他以捕捉野兽为生。 He made his living by trapping.
- 美女与丝袜的结合、带来视觉盛宴 Beautiful woman and silk stockings union. Brings the visual grand feast
- 这一行动与他以往的态度大相径庭。 This action is greatly at odds with his previous attitude.
- 那些警卫都是残暴的野兽,他们的首领是个魔鬼的化身。 The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
- 你如果与这些人交往就会损害你的好名声。 You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people.
- 他遭到野兽的凶猛袭击。 He was savaged by wild animals.
- "这份工作与他能力相称,所以他很满意。" He was satisfied with the job commensurate with his abilities.
- 芭芭内鸭系由野鸭与普通鸭杂交而成。 A barbary duck is a cross between a wild duck and an ordinary duck.