- 发现 to find
- 结果发现,只要加入0.3%的Ca就可使晶粒大为细化,而随着Ca含量的增加,Mg-4%Zn-Ca合金的抗拉强度呈先快速增加后缓慢降低的趋势; The results revealed that the microstructure of Mg-4%25Zn alloy is significantly refined with addition of 0.3%25Ca. And with increasing Ca addition the mechanical properties of Mg-4%25Zn alloy are increased rapidly at first and then decreased slowly.
- 她们翻遍了她的东西,结果发现了男爵给他兄弟的信。 They looked through her possessions and found the Baron's letter to his brother.
- 结果发现,通气状况对AOL的氮素矿化与释放有较大的影响。 The result indicated that aeration status had a great effect on the mineralization and release of nitrogen in AOL.
- 发现的 discoverable
- 被发现 come to light
- 结果发现具钙钛矿结构的钛酸钙是一种适用于油漆的高效防腐颜料。 It was identified that calcium titanate of perovskite structure is a highly efficient anticorrosion pigment for paints.
- 比赛结果是10-0惨败. The game was a 10-0 massacre.
- 发现问题 pinpoint the problems
- 发现者 discoverer
- 比赛结果是0-8惨败。 The game was a 0-8 massacre.
- 无意中发现 stumble on
- 偶然发现 chance on
- 2:0的结果让客队很满意。 It is two|nil (2-0) in favor of the visiting team.
- 研究发现 discover
- 结果:经营状况:10.0%亏损; Results:10.0%25of them run at a loss.
- 新发现 discovery
- 不易被发现或察觉的 Not readily noticeable.
- 随机环境中马氏链0-1律的一个结果 A Conclusion of 0-1 Law of Markov Chains in Random Environments
- 他们没发现产品有任何问题。 They detected no defect in the product.