- 线粒体D-loop Mitochondrial D-loop
- 线粒体D-loop区 Mitochondrial DNA D--loop
- 本文采用PCR和质粒克隆测序方法, 获得了华南虎线粒体D loop区的480 bp序列和东北虎、孟加拉虎线粒体D loop区的503 bp序列; Using oligonucleotide primers designed to match hypervariable segments I (HVS-1) of Panthera tigris mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 480 bp sequence was amplified in the South China tiger(Panthera tigris amoyensis)and 503 bp sequences were amplified in the Siberian tiger (P. tigris altaica) and the Bengal tiger (P. tigris tigris).
- 测定了浙江省5个地方鸡种及来航鸡(对照)线粒体D-环区的部分序列(539bp),构建了鸡种的分子系统树。 A lotal of 539 bases of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region of five native chicken breeds of Zhejiang Province and the white leghorn chicken (as the control) were squenced by DNA sequencing technique, and the phylogenetic trees of the chicken breeds were constructed.
- 线粒体 mitochondria
- 黑羽常羽乌骨鸡和珍珠鸡的线粒体D环高变区序列存在长度变异,乌骨鸡的此段序列长度为539hp,珍珠鸡的序列是498hp,而骡鸡个体的此段序列或同于乌骨鸡、或同于珍珠鸡。 There were length differences when using the same primer to amplify the mtDNA HVS-1 of black normal feather Wugu chickens and Guinea fowl. The PCR production sequence length of them were 539bp and 498bp respectively, the same region sequence of mule chicken were the same as Guinea fowl or black normal feather Wugu chickens.
- 维生素D vitamin(e)
- D-loop D-loop
- A/D转换器 A/D converter
- D玻璃纤维 D-glass fibre
- D 25 - ( OH ) 2 Vit D3
- 性病(略为V.D.) venereal disease
- d> (iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity
- D-U-N-S? The D-U-N-S?
- D 大调 the key of D major
- dégagé 低领女服
- d层 d horizon
- 网D curves
- d-q d-q
- A/D A/D