- 约翰,你感觉如何? A : How are you feeling ,John?
- 如何 what
- 你在银石测试了B版赛车,你感觉如何? Q: You tested the new B-spec car in Silverstone, what were your impressions?
- 那使你感觉如何? Hoe does that make you feel?
- 肯尼迪:祝贺你!你感觉如何? Kennedy: Congratulations. How do you feel?
- 你感觉这书有什麽吸引力吗? Do you feel any attraction for this book?
- 你感觉那主意怎么样? How does the idea strike you?
- 您刚刚到达巴伦西亚,您的感觉如何? You have just arrived in Valencia, what are your impressions?
- 为一本国际品牌的杂志工作,你感觉如何?是否认为觉得它的限制性太大? How do you feel about working for a big international brand? Do you think it's too restrictive?
- 你对不在家住感觉如何? How do you feel about living away from home?
- 你感觉怎么样? How do you feel now?
- 你感觉舒服吗? Are you comfortable?
- 年纪只是感觉如何的问题,而不是年岁的问题。--柯蒂斯 Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.-G. W. Curtis
- “你感觉如何?”“今天感觉稍好点儿。” "How are you feeling?""Oh, I'm feeling a little bit better today."
- 他们不能预测当一个人搬到一个新的城市,失去一肢或是赢得大奖时的感觉如何。 They fail to anticipate how a person feels after moving to a new city, losing a limb or winning a jackpot.
- 你感觉正常吗? Are you feeling all right?
- 你们可以想像吗?所有的人从世界各处祈祷相同的事,我感觉如何? Can you imagine, with all the people in every different direction, always praying the same thing, how I feel?
- 所以让你感觉太重 So let you feel overly burdened
- 拉里,感觉如何? Larry, how does it feel?
- 你感觉那注意怎么样? A: How does the idea strike you?