- 篇幅 (take up or devote) space
- 冗长 lengthiness
- 冗长的 expatiatory
- 可将一个冗长的故事中无关紧要的部分删去以减少篇幅。 A long story can be abridged by leaving out unimportant parts
- 超过篇幅的 run-over
- 他从头至尾读了那份冗长的报告。 He read the lengthy report without a skip.
- 他发表了一篇冗长乏味的演讲。 He delivered a long prose.
- 限于篇幅 as space is limited
- 版面计算对一个手稿在排版时所占的篇幅的计算 A calculation of the amount of space a manuscript will occupy when set into type.
- 象往常一样,主席以冗长的讲话控制住辩论的大部分时间。 As usual the chairman held the floor for most of the debate.
- 我无法以不到50页纸的篇幅写出和平会谈总结。 I can't wrap up the peace talk in less than fifty pages.
- 冗长的辩论 an interminable debate
- 篇幅甚大 On a wide canvass
- 这故事冗长乏味,令人厌烦。 The story is wearily tedious.
- 《时报》对洪堡的死大为震动,给他安排了两栏的篇幅。 The Times was much stirred by Humboldt's death and gave him a double column spread.
- 冗长乏味的故事 a tedious story
- 这本书的大部分篇幅都是叙述性的。 Narrative makes up most of the book.
- 他的演讲总是脱不了冗长的毛病。 His speeches were always marred by verbosity.
- 编辑们有足够的理由增加有关妇女问题的篇幅。 Editors have every reason for jacking up their women's pages.
- 他的讲话缓慢而冗长。 He spoke in a slow, ponderous way.