- 箱子里有三瓶牛奶吗? Are there three bottles of milk in the box?
- 刚才箱子里有三瓶牛奶吗? Were there three bottles of milk in the box just now?
- 这个箱子里有多少瓶牛奶? How many bottles of milk are there in the box?
- 箱子里有个人正躺在一堆毛织品上。 A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.
- 他看清楚汽球下面的篮子里有三个人,其中一个正拿着双筒望远镜。 He could make out why three men in the basket under the balloon and one of them was holding field-glasses.
- ‘你有牛奶吗?’‘对不起,没有。’ `Have you any milk?' `I'm afraid not.'
- 箱子里有苹果吗? Be there an apple in the box?
- 有主见 strong-minded
- 商店里有好多瓶牛奶,对吧? There is a good many bottle of milk in the shop,is not there?
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 磷酸三钠 trisodium phosphate (TSP)
- 略有 slightly
- "是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。" "Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours."
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 我可以有三张今天晚上的票吗? May I have three tickets for this evening?
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。" "How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- 你猜箱子里有什么? What do you guess is in the box?
- “这封信有三小行”。 the letter consisted of three short lines.
- "而且,据说放鞭炮还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气。" It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year.
- 今年已有三个被判死刑。 Three men have received the death penalty so far this year.