- 程潮铁矿2#主溜井加固工程稳定性数值分析 Stability in Reinforcement on No.2 Main Ore-Pass of Chengchao Iron Mine by Numerical Simulation
- 程潮铁矿 Chengchao Iron Mine
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- 程潮铁矿采场断层破碎带调查与支护实践 Investigation of fault crush zone of the stope of Chengchao Iron Mine and the practice of gallery support
- 程潮铁矿采准巷道围岩稳定性数值模拟研究 Numerical Simulation Research of Wall Rock Stability of Preparatory Workings at Chengchao Iron Mine
- 程潮铁矿1#和2#主溜井相互作用机理数值模拟 Numerical Analog Study of the Interaction Mechanism of No.1 And No.2 Main Shafts at Chengchao Iron Mine
- 二次高压灌浆预应力锚固技术在程潮铁矿2#主溜井加固工程中的应用 Application of the technology of prestressed anchor by secondary high-pressure grouting in the reinforcement of main ore-pass No. 2 at Chengchao Iron Mine
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