- 祕籍琳琅 "Mi Ji Lin Lang"
- 这个孩子站在那里看着商店里的琳琅玩具,眼红极了。 A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.
- 会籍 affiliation
- 一排排高楼大厦象雨后春笋,一件件家用电器满目琳琅;我们永远告别了破旧的茅屋,却忘不了延安窑洞温热的土炕。 Row after row of tall, like everywhere, a stretch of household appliances gem; We always say a dilapidated cottage, but never leave the Yanan cave heatable adobe sleeping platform.
- 地籍 cadastral
- 中国籍 Chinese
- 他是英国籍。 He is of British nationality.
- 船籍 nationality
- 素知您对这门课程造诣很深,且出版了很多有关这方面的籍。 As you are a world well-known scholar who has written many books in this field.
- 今天获悉令堂逝世,使我为之震惊。遭此剧痛,自非言语所能慰籍。 I was shocked to learn of the death of your mother today. I have no words to console you.
- 房屋产籍管理 house owership management
- 牒籍记载 It was recorded in the cannon
- 本籍 domicile
- 他是法国籍。 He has French nationality.
- 船籍港 port of registry
- 杯盘狼籍 cups and dishes strewn everywhere
- 我是中国籍。 I am of Chinese nationality.
- 阿尔及利亚籍骑兵 spahi
- 名誉不好,声名狼籍 Damage to or loss of reputation.
- 村籍 Villager Qualification