- 磺化SEBS质子交换膜的性能与微结构 Performance and Microstructure of Sulfonated SEBS for Proton Exchange Membranes
- 磺化SEBS sulfonated SEBS
- 磺化SEBS质子交换膜的研究进展 Advances in Sulfonated SEBS for Proton Exchange Membrane
- 磺化SEBS质子交换膜制备和性能的研究 Study on synthesis and performance of sulfonated SEBS for proton exchange membranes
- 考察了酸烃比、反应温度、反应时间对磺化反应的影响。 A new surfactant heavy crude oil sulfonates (HCOS) was synthesized from Daqing Heidimiao oil with fuming sulfuric acid.
- 磺化度 degree of sulfonation
- 萘磺化 sulfonate of naphthalene
- 混合价态双核磺化酞菁钴在非水溶剂中的电化学性质研究 The electrochemistry of mixed-valence binuclear sulphonated cobalt phthalocyanine in nonaqueous solvent
- 磺化二胺 Sulfonated diamine
- 脱水磺化 dehydration sulfonating
- 接枝磺化 graft-sulfonation
- 磺化聚砜 sulfonated polysulfone
- 磺化改性 sulfonation modification
- 磺化装置 sulphonation unit
- 磺化渣油 sulfonated residual oil
- 磺化共聚 sulfonation and copolymerization
- 磺化技术 sulfonation technology
- 磺化苯胺 sulfonic aniline
- 总磺化物 total sulfonate
- 磺化聚醚砜 sulfonated polyethersulfone