- 一种磷酸钙DNA共沉淀转化哺乳化物细胞较易成功的简易变通方法 An Easy Available Modified Method of Calcium Phosphate Co-precipitation With DNA for Transfection of Mammalian Cells
- Li_aNi_(0.75)Co_(0.25)O_2的共沉淀法合成及其电化学性质研究 Cyclic performance of Li_aNi_(0.75)Co_(0.25)O_2 cathode materials prepared by the co-precipitation synthesis method
- 源于MDV GA株的Meq基因被克隆到杆状病毒转移载体质粒pBluBac4中强有力的多角体蛋白启动子(PPH)之后,经与线性化的Bac-N-BlueTM DNA共转染于昆虫细胞系SF9,获得了重组杆状病毒。 The recombinant Meq-baculovirus was obtained by co-transfecting the insect SF9 cells with pBluBac4Meq and linearised Bac-N-BlueTM DNA . The recombinant baculovirus was selected by plaque assay and confirmed by PCR technique and sequencing of the inserted gene.
- 共沉淀器 coprecipitater
- 纳米四方多晶氧化锆粉末的超强碱共沉淀法制备及性能表征 Study on the Process and Properties of Nano-sized Polycrystal Zirconia Powders by Co-precipitation in Super-alkaline Medium
- 酸化共沉淀 acidizing and co-precipitation
- 共沉淀方法 co-precipitation method
- 交叉共沉淀 cross-coprecipitation
- 直接共沉淀 direct co - precipitation
- 化学共沉淀 chemical co-precipitation
- 乙醇共沉淀 ethanol coprecipitation
- 共沉淀分出 striking
- 煅烧共沉淀 calcined co-precipitation
- 液相共沉淀 liquid phase coprecipitation
- 共沉淀分离 Co-precipitation separation
- 共沉淀富集 Co-precipitation-enrichment
- 无滤共沉淀 Fillerless co- precipitation
- 反向共沉淀 reverse coprecipitation
- 溶胶共沉淀 sol-wet-chemical method
- 水解共沉淀 Mg-Al hydrolysis and coprecipitation