- 采用OM、SEM、TEM及EDAX等手段研究了锆刚玉莫来石-碳化硅复合材料的显微结构。 The microstructure of zirconia/corundum/mullite-silicon carbide composites has been investigated by OM,SEM,TEM and EDXA.
- 摘要研究了锆化工废渣用在水泥生产中替代部分混合材料,经正常水泥生产各道工序后,生产水泥的无害化处理与利用技术。 This paper introduces a new technology that makes the waste residue of the Zr-production innocuity by taking place of some material in common cement-production assemble line.
- 研究了锆?2、锆?4合金管材在高压釜内氢氧化锂溶液中,于360℃、18?6MPa条件下进行不同时间的渗氢后试样的吸氢特性。 Hydrogen absorption in lithium hydroxide water solution for zircaloy2 and zircaloy4 was investigated under condition of 360/18.6 MPa in autocave test.
- 制备了锆交联累托土Zr CLR、SO4 2 -/Zr CLR。 Zr cross-linked rectorite catalysts(Zr-CLR) and their SO 4 2- improvevs (SO 4 2- /Zr-CLR) were prepared and characterized by means of XRD?
- 警察仔细研究了这个人的交代,以了解他说的是否是实话。 The police went into the man's story to see if he was telling the truth.
- 列宁深入研究了马克思和恩格斯的著作。 Lenin made a deep study of the works of Marx and Engels.
- 董事们把这个计划反复研究了好几个星期。 The directors batted the plan back and forth for weeks.
- 研究了许多个小时我才相信他有罪。 It took many hours to convince me of his guilt.
- 本文首先研究了NIRS分析中药制药过程的准备实验方法。 Studies on the preparation experimental methods of process analytical chemistry for TCM manufacture using NIRS were first carried out.
- 本文研究了在不同深度耕翻下,羊草根茎营养物的变化情况。 The nutrient variation in rhizome of Aneurolepidium chinense wag studied under different ploughing depths.
- 他们绘制了含盐地区的地图,研究了形成的原因。 They mapped the saline regions and examined the reasons for their formation.
- 那个侦探仔仔细细地研究了各个指纹。 The detective studied the fingerprints in the minutest detail.
- 它研究了过氧化氢对亚硝酸的作用。 It has studied the action of hydrogen peroxide on nitrous acid.
- 研究了Ti_3SiC_2和Ti在1573K、20MPa压力下的相互联接及界面结构。 The conjunction and interface structure of Ti/Ti_3SiC_2 composite at 1573 K and 20 MPa is studied.
- 他们认真研究了这一问题,然后才作出决定。 They studied the question carefully before they made the decision.
- 研究了壳聚糖在不同条件下的乳化能力。 The emulsifying capacity( EC) of chitosan was studied in different conditions.
- 人们研究了沉积环境与储集特性之间的关系。 The relation between depositional environments and reservoir quality is investigated.
- 研究了30MnCrNiMoB低合金钢在穿甲弹冲击下绝热剪切带(ASB)的形成机制。 The formation mechanism of adiabatic shear band(ASB) produced by high speed penetration in 30MnCrNiMoB low alloy steel was studied.
- 警方研究了监控录像中的定格画面。 The police studied the stills from the security video.
- 在几个实验中已经研究了污染的大气中气溶胶的产生。 The generation of aerosols in polluted atmospheres has been investigated in several experiments.