- 矿工罢工期间你是怎样搞到煤的?
How/What did you do for coal during the miners' strike?
- 矿工罢工就要真正显出威力了。
The miners' strike is really starting to bite.
- 矿工们身处赚钱的企业,要求多分一杯羹。
As workers in a profit-making industry, miners are demanding a larger slice of the cake.
- 矿工们在这件事上是一条心的。
The miners were solid on this issue.
- 在一次塌方事故中,许多矿工被压在了井下。
Many coal-miners were imprisoned in a pit accident.
- 我认为当矿工是很危险的。
I think it is dangerous to be a miner.
- 塌方后,有些矿工被困在地下。
Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse.