- 真的,要什么酒呢? Yes? What will it be?
- 咱们要什么酒呢? What drinks shall we order?
- 真的 forsooth
- 喝什么酒呢? What about drinks?
- 真 true
- 我喜欢同维克托交往,因为他有啥说啥,而且你也能知道他真的要什么。 I like doing business with Victor because he calls a spade a spade and you know exactly what he wants.
- 如果他想在他的新工作中取得成就,他真的必须奋发工作。 If he is going to make a success of his new job, he really will have to put his back into it.
- 招待员: 喝什么酒呢? What about drinks?
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 请坐,点菜之前先喝点什么酒呢? Take your seats,please. Do you care for anything to drink before you order?
- "她真的会轻松些吗?" "她答应医生说她会轻松些的,可是我觉得这不可能。" "Will she really take things easier?" "She promised the doctor she would, but I can't see it happening."
- 怀特太太的孩子们要什么她就给他们买什么,她一定是钱多得用不完。 Mrs White buys her children everything they want. She must be made of money.
- 我的上帝,从我满溢的生命之杯中,你要饮什么样的圣酒呢? What divine drink wouldst thou have, my God, from this overflowing cup of my life?
- 您要什么酒吗? And would you like anything to drink?
- 柯帕乌先生,据说你曾经病得很严重,究竟是不是真的呢? Is there any truth to the rumor, Mr. Cowperwood, that you've been seriously ill?
- 一旦真的发生火灾,许多人就不知所措,不知道该干什么好了。 Many people are at a loss as to what to do in case of a real fire.
- 那么你认为我们点的鱼配什么酒好呢? Then that do you think would go well with our fish?
- 她的孩子要什么她就给什么,如果她不注意的话,她这样过分溺爱反面有害于她的孩子。 She gives that child everything he asks for. She will kill him with kindness if she's not careful.
- 我可不可以多要点酒呢?乙:我认为不好了,你已经喝醉。甲:真的吗?乙:嗯,是的。为什么你不去照一照镜子,看看你的脸呀? B: I don't think so. You're quite drunk. A: Are you sure? B: Yes, I am. Why don't you look at your face in the mirror?
- 要什么水果呢? And how about fruit?