- 经过师父指点后,工作总能马上变得顺畅,一切真的都是师父在做的啊! Once we get Her advice, we can proceed with our work smoothly. And it is actually Master who does everything!
- 真的 forsooth
- 真 true
- 真的啊!你真幸运 You don't say! You are lucky
- 真的啊! 哪个国家? Really?Which country?
- 如果他想在他的新工作中取得成就,他真的必须奋发工作。 If he is going to make a success of his new job, he really will have to put his back into it.
- 丈夫们埋怨狗也不如的生活,可是狗儿们是没有老婆的啊。 Husbands complain of dog's life, but dogs have no wife.
- 真的吗? No kidding?
- 嗨,杰森。那本杂志有什么有趣的啊?你看了好几个小时了。 Hey, Jason. What's so interesting about that magazine? You've been looking at it for hours.
- 说真的 to tell you the truth
- 好在外交官们都有个长鼻子,因为他们一般是眼光不过鼻尖的啊。 It is fortunate that diplomats have long noses since they usually cannot see beyond them.
- 但愿我真的富有。 I wish I were really wealthy.
- Delphi-神迹挂机外挂脱机外挂源码是不是骗人的啊!我要下载!啊! Delphi- god mark hanging machine outside hangs off-line outside hangs the source code deceives people! I must download!
- 看起来像真的一样 come alive
- “我在坐牢,象一头动物被关在笼子里一样,可是我是清白无辜的啊”! "I'm in jail, cooped up like an animal, and I'm innocent."
- 真的吗?你真棒! Really? You are so bad!
- 伯尼说: "要从一个默默无闻的人成为一位大人物,那可不是靠魔法变出来的啊。" "From log cabin to White House, my dear, " Bernie said, "isn't done on a broomstick any more."
- "她真的会轻松些吗?" "她答应医生说她会轻松些的,可是我觉得这不可能。" "Will she really take things easier?" "She promised the doctor she would, but I can't see it happening."
- 那个雕像真不错。什么做的啊? A: That's a nice sculpture. What's it made out of?
- "我并非真的说我的合伙人是条蛇,这不过是种形象化的说法。" I didn't really mean my associate is a snake; it was just a figure of speech.