- 看我漂亮么?(这衣服上是果汁,忘了带他的杯子,用我们的杯子在车上喝果汁浇了一脖子,呵呵) Am i pretty?( See his messy shirt? We forgot to bring his cup, so he made a big mess drinking from our cup riding in the car).
- 请看我漂亮的坚持别忘记我别忘记我 Please keep my beautiful insistence in your mind, keep in your mind
- 对“她比我漂亮吗?”这个问题,同上。 Ditto for "Is she prettiet than me ?
- 歌迷们不管投票的结果,问道:“难道春春没有于丹漂亮么?” "Chun Chun is not as beautiful as Yu?" fans asked in defiance of the results.
- 我儿子想去参加晚会,我看我不让步也不行,就同意了。 My son wants to go to the party and I'll have to give in and say yes.
- 莫先生,你看我不是很为难么?” Mr. Mo, don't you see what an awkward position I am in?"
- 我看我没有那么多钱买这个珠宝饰物。 I do not think I can afford to spend so much money for this jewel.
- 斯文克莱恩"斯文克莱恩"(圣巴巴拉,钙)-看我所有的评语 Sven Klein "Sven Klein" (Santa Barbara, CA) - See all my reviews
- 我们很忙,我们难得回家去看我父母。 We are so busy. We only go home to visit my folks once in a blue moon.
- 真的!哇哦,所以我们去看我表弟James时也能到中地看一看了。 Mrs Li: Really! Wow so when we go and visit my cousin James we can also get a look at Middle Earth!
- 肚皮饱饱,孩子乐。你看我来,我看你。八十岁的老奶奶喝可乐。 Now we are all full, children are happy! You look at me and I look at you! Eighty year old grandma has some Coke.
- 洪七:如果我死了,你不用带人来看我,我不想做一条懂说话的死尸。 If I'm killed, please don't do this to me. I don't want to be a speaking corpse.
- 昨天我不在时是亚马达先生来看我吗 Was it Mr. Yamada that came to see me during my absence yesterday
- 有人在盯着看我,我感到挺不自在。 I had an uneasy feeling that sb. was watching me.
- 我看我花不起那么多钱买这个珠宝饰物。 I don't think I could afford to spend so much money for this jewel.
- “看我的!”汤姆开始做测验时说道。 "Here goes!" said Tom as he started the test.
- 第二天早上敌人走了,我急忙上山去看我的那块土地。 Next morning the enemy left and I hurried up the mountain to my plot.
- 史密斯先生来看我,发现我还在睡觉。 Mr Smith came to see me and found me still in bed.
- 中:这要看我是以什么身份接待他们了。 Chinese:Well,it depends on in what capacity I meet with such people.
- 你看我今天上午什么时候可以见一见院长? Do you think I could see the president sometime this morning?