- 开 open
- 机械员发现这架飞机的发动机盖揭不开了。 The mechanic found that the engine hood of the plane would not lift.
- 开关 power switch
- 然而一切这些,离不开动员老百姓。 But all these are inseparable from the mobilization of the common people.
- 因而也是和主观指导的正确或错误分不开的。 Consequently it is also inseparable from the correctness or incorrectness of the subjective direction of war.
- 主货舱门打不开,为了不延误飞机,我们想人工断开舱门。 Main cargo door cant's be opened electrically, In order to avoid aircraft delay, we want to open it manually.
- 个人的利益是与集体的利益分不开的。 The interest of the individual is bound up with that of the community.
- 我们严重的官僚主义与现在机构的臃肿是分不开的。 Our grave propensity to bureaucracy is inseparable from the current overstaffing of our organizations.
- 但主动或被动是和战争力量的优势或劣势分不开的。 But initiative or passivity is inseparable from superiority or inferiority in the capacity to wage war.
- 谁在这里生火啊? 都烟得睁不开眼了。 Who's lighting the stove here? I can't even open my eyes for the smoke.
- 詹姆士也很不开心,他觉得就象有人威胁到他投资五厘的权利似的。 James, too, was much disturbed. He felt as though someone had threatened his right to invest his money at five per cent.
- 当然,实际上,整个社会最离不开的是科学家们。 In actuality,of course,there is no group of persons on whom society as a whole depends so heavily.
- 他的降落伞打不开了, 他想他算完了. When his parachute failed he thought he was a goner.
- 这扇门的门扣好象断了,门打不开了。 The catch on this door seems to be broken. It won't open.
- 眩目的阳光和白雪刺得他睁不开眼睛。 The glare from the sun and snow blinded him.
- 有效的学习是与好的动机分不开的。 Efficient study is inseparable from good motivation.
- 马上要移民了,意不意外,开不开心? You will emigrate very soon. Is this sudden? Are you happy?
- 他把这个盖子钉得太紧了,我都起不开了。 He has screwed the lid down so tightly that I can not get it off .
- 那天晚上,我独自坐在房内,故意不开灯。 That evening I sat in the room alone for choice without light.
- 他把这个盖子钉得太紧了,我都起不开了。 He has screwed the lid down so tightly that I can't get it off.