- 直捷通路 preferential channel
- 直捷 straightforward; blunt; point-blank
- 直捷通道 preferential channel
- 他办事爽快。 He works readily and briskly.
- 难道我能直捷的说明,和阻止他的爱吗? How can I be blunt and forbid him to love me?
- 这个机修工人做工作一向是迅速爽快的。 This mechanic is always prompt in his duties.
- 他希望一切都是那么明确、直捷、简练、单纯、冷静、严峻。 He wanted things to be clear, dry, spare, pure, cool, and hard.
- 我们请求警察帮忙,他爽快地答应了。 The policeman accommodated us when we asked for help.
- 爽快些,把它给我吧。 Be a good sport and give it to me.
- 其证明过程变得更简单,绝热近似的误差估计也被做得更直捷,并得到了(?) The demonstration of AT is thus simplified significantly and the error estimation of adiabatic approximation is expressed more explicitly.
- 天气湿热不爽快。 It's warm and sticky.
- 感到身心爽快 feel refreshment of mind and body
- 爽快人,好人 An accommodating person
- 王和甫没有什么不赞成,但也没有直捷表示,只把眼光钉在吴荪甫脸上,等待这位足智多谋而又有决断的“三爷”先来表示意见。 Wang Ho-fu had nothing against it, but he hesitated to commit himself. Instead, he turned and looked expectantly at Wu Sunfu, waiting for him to give his opinion first, for he considered Wu Sun-fu wiser, more resourceful and more decisive than himself.
- 他爽快地道了歉。 He apologized unreservedly.
- 我感到心神爽快。 I was quite refreshed.
- 我向他借自行车,他爽快地答应了。 I asked him to lend me his bike and he promised like a bird.
- 我们和他爽快地谈话。 We had some pleasant conversation with him.
- 空气非常爽快舒适。 The atmosphere is lively and down to earth.
- 令人心神爽快的山中空气 bracing mountain air