- 目标市场是什么? what is the target market?
- 什么 what
- 目标市场是全世界儿科和齿科。 The target market is pediatric and general dental clinics all over the world.
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 我们的目标市场是北美(加拿大和美国)。 Our target marketplace is North American (Canada and USA).
- 什么时候 when
- 目标市场 target market
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 劳动力市场是从就业到退休一直存在的不平等的主要来源。 The labour market is the primary source of the inequalities which are carried into retirement.
- 现在战绩领先联盟的是太阳队,你对这支球队的看法是什么? Ph?nix is leading the league. What are you thoughts about this team ?
- 百特公司在安徽的血透目标市场是皖南地区的第一层次和第三层次的以西医为主的综合性医院。 The target market for Baxter company are the first & third level hospitals in the south Anhui province.
- 以各种股票和债券的交易额而论,世界上最大的证券交易市场是场外市 The largest security market in the world in terms of the number of different stocks and bonds traded is the over-the-counter (OTC) market.
- 你在玩排球时,目标是什么? What is the object when you are playing volleyball?
- 中国水产品出口主要目标市场国的非传统贸易壁垒分析与比较 Analysis and Comparison for the Nontraditional Barriers to main target country for China's Seafood Export
- 赛格电子配套市场是全球最重要的电子配套市场和电子产品交易中心。 SEG Electronics Auxiliary Market is the most significant electronic auxiliary market and electronic product trading center of the world.
- 目标群;目标市场 a target group; a target market.
- 渡口市场是在地震遗迹上重建起来的。 The Ferry Building Marketplace was reborn on the ruins of disaster.
- 联赛获胜已经过去了,你们对于剩下赛季的现实目标是什么? Winning the league's out of sight, what are your realistic goals for the rest of the season?
- 目标市场选择的 Five Patterns of Target Market Selection
- 主要的区别是活动的范围,因为全球市场是出现在本国市场组织以外的市场。 The main difference is the scope of activities because global marketing occurs in markets outside the organization's home country.