- 沟通 communicate
- 沟通技巧 communication skill
- 人际沟通 interpersonal communication
- 疏通河槽 to unblock a channel
- 沟通渠道 communication channels
- 疏通管道 to unchoke a pipe
- 沟通障碍 communication disorders
- 疏通下水道 to unplug the sewer
- 沟通过程 communication process
- 纤维喉镜下咽鼓管疏通注药治疗分泌性中耳炎60例临床分析 Recanalizing and Instilling Liquid Medicine into Eustachian Tube on Laryngoscope in Patients with Secretory Otitis Media: a Clinical Analyses of 60 Cases
- 管理沟通 Managerial Communication
- 只好等到交通阻塞被疏通后 had to outwait the traffic jam.
- 有效沟通 effective communication
- 疏通下水道,掏阴沟 to unstop a sewer
- 沟通协调 communication and coordination
- 疏通排水沟 to open a drain
- 再沟通 recanalization
- 疏通卫生间的下水管道 to snake the sewer in the bathroom
- 沟通系统 communication system
- 疏通货币传导渠道,取消政府隐含担保,改善金融体系结构 To Dredge Conducted Tunnel of Currency, Abolish Concealed Guarantee of the Government and Improve the Structure of Finance System