- 电视机出什么毛病了? What's the matter with the TV set?
- 它出什么毛病了? What's the trouble with it?
- 电视机出了毛病,也许保险丝烧坏了。 Something was wrong with the TV set;perhaps the fuse burned out.
- 出 to rise
- 你的车出什么毛病了? What's the matter with your car?
- 电视机出了毛病。 Something has gone wrong with the TV set.
- 出货 shipment
- 出的 ec-
- 是的,电视机出故障了。 Yes, the television is out of order.
- 好了,加菲没什么毛病,它只是一只快乐、懒惰的大肥猫。 Liz Well, there's nothing wrong with Garfield. He's just a happy, fat, lazy cat.
- 电视机出故障了。 The television set is out of order.
- 当她的新电视机出故障时,她气得火冒三丈。 When her brand new TV wouldn't work, it burned her up.
- 医务室里我请来替我办事的那两个江湖医生,而直到现在还没有弄清楚我到底患了什么毛病。 Those two quacks I've got working for me in the medical tent still can't find out what's wrong with me.
- 从这些事实你能推断出什么? What do you deduce from these facts?
- 她讲不出什么新鲜玩意儿。 She has only an everyday story to tell.
- 当他使用真空吸尘器时,电视机出了毛病。 When he used the vacuum cleaner,the TV set acted up.
- 你从这些观察中能得出什么结论? What can you conclude from these observations?
- 我的电视机有点毛病,你的电视没有什么毛病,是吗? There's something wrong with my TV set. You haven't had any trouble with yours,have you?
- 能方便地从JSP或者是模板中看出什么页面执行了什么代码。 Easy to see in the JSP or template what code is being executed for that page.
- 机器不转了。难道出什么问题了? The machine doesn't work. Is where something wrong with it?