- 电灯开关在哪儿? Where is the light switch?
- 电灯开关在哪里? Where is the electric switch?
- 电灯开关在你的右边。 The light switch is on your right.
- 我摸不出电灯开关在哪里。 I can't feel where the light switch is.
- 可是开关在哪儿? But where's the sitch?
- 请你把电灯开亮。 Put the light on, please.
- 让电灯开着好了。 Leave the lights on.
- 接近开关 proximity switch
- 3230的霍尔效应双极开关在南方极性磁场足够的强度及开关过北极性磁场足够的强度。 The A3230 Hall-effect bipolar switch turns on in a south polarity magnetic field of sufficient strength and switches off in a north polarity magnetic field of sufficient strength.
- 你离开实验室时不要让电灯开着。 Don't leave the lights on when you go out of the lab.
- 限位开关 limit switch
- 她看到达克沃思啪地一声将天花板上的电灯开亮。 She saw Duckworth snap on the ceiling light.
- 总开关 master switch
- 微动开关 MSW
- 压力开关 pressure switch
- 自动开关 recloser
- 安全开关 safety switch
- 脚踏开关 foot (pedal) switch
- 选择开关 option switch
- 组合开关 switchgroup