- 瓶中还剩下多少水? How much water is left in the bottle?
- 这种智能酒杯的工作原理是给酒杯涂上一层光洁的传导材料,这样无论顾客是小啜还是狂饮,这套系统都可以测量出酒杯中还剩下多少酒。 The iGlassware system works by coating each glass with a clear,conducting material,enabling it to measure exactly how much liquid has been sipped or guzzled.
- 多少 how much
- 有机废液应倒入有机废液瓶中收集,不可倾倒于水槽内。 Organic waste solutions (dye, chloroform, etc.) should be poured into the "Organic Waste Solution" bottle instead of the sink.
- 还剩下多少张底片没照? How many exposures have you got left? ie How many pictures remain on the camera film?
- 瓶 bottle
- 那罐子能盛多少水? How much water does the jug hold?
- 第4组用添加有EGM-2MV的EBM-2在25cm2细胞培养瓶中培养。 with EBM-2 adding EGM-2 MV in the 25 cm~ 2 culturing flask in the fourth group.
- 当前,国民经济运行中还存在着一些亟待解决的问题。 Right now some problems that need urgent solution still exist in the economy.
- 暖水瓶没多少水了。 There is little water in the thermos.
- 他用漏斗把油注入瓶中。 He funneled the oil into the bottle.
- 剩下多少? How much is left (over)?
- 编辑项模板和更新项模板中还为双向数据绑定方案添加了Bind方法。 A Bind method has also been added for two-way data-binding scenarios in edit item templates and update item templates.
- 水从瓶中汩汩地倒出。 The water gurgled out of the bottle.
- 剩下多少啊? How many are left?
- 我们从他的话中还推测不出真实情况。 We could not conjecture the fact from what he said.
- 溶解一磅糖需要多少水? How much water is needed to take up a pound of sugar?
- 没剩下多少时间了。 There is little time left.
- 富农的生产在一定时期中还是有益的。 The rich-peasant form of production will remain useful for a definite period.
- 水从瓶中汨汨地流了出来 water gurgling from a bottle.