- 瑞奇:我是谁?我是一个崭新的瑞奇·马丁。 RM: "Who am I? I am the new Ricky."
- 告诉我是谁把这些纸团扔在地上的。 Tell me who threw all these paper balls on the floor.
- 但最后,你会问那底线?你是谁?我是谁? Finally at the bottom line, we ask the questions: Who are you?
- 他知道我是谁吗? Does he know who I am?
- “下届总统是谁”这个问题又成了人们的热门话题。 The question "Who will be the next president?" is at the front again.
- 当他知道我是谁就变得温柔了起来。 when he learned who I was he became all sweetness and light.
- 女士们卸了妆,我就分辨不出谁是谁。 I can not tell who's who when the women take off their makeup.
- 你就不能告诉她我是谁吗,呃,约瑟夫? Cannot you tell her who I am,eh,Joseph?
- 这句引语我仿佛在哪里见到过,但我不能确定它的作者是谁。 I seem to recognize the quotation, but I can't pin it down to its author.
- 你是谁?哪个男孩是谁?我是王智昊。 Who are you? Who's that boy? I'm wang zhi hao.
- 好奇使她难以容忍,她必须知道是谁送给我这样贵重的礼物。 Curiosity was simply eating her up, She had to know who had given me such an expensive present.
- “我想不起来我是谁,”我沮丧地说道。 'I can't remember who I am,'I said,wretchedly.
- 你就不能告诉她我是谁吗,呃,约瑟夫?” Cannot you tell her who I am, eh, Joseph?'
- 是谁给我报名参加星期六的越野赛跑的? Who gave my name in for the cross-country run on Saturday?
- 我知道我是谁,也知道我想做什么。” I know how to fight and I know how to make peace.
- 有人蒙住了我的双眼,让我猜一猜她是谁。 Someone hoodwinked my eyes and let me guess who she was.
- 你要是在踩我的鞋,我就让你知道我是谁。 You step on my shoe again, I'm gonna tell you who Iam!
- 她知道我已经明白了我真正的恩主是谁。 She perceived I had discovered my real benefactor.
- 我和你一起实习过,你该知道我是谁了吧? I practiced with you together, you should know I is who?
- 我决心查明这件事的真相,看看到底是谁的错? I am determined to find out the rights and wrongs of this matter. Whose fault was it really?