- 球域Bézier曲面 ball Bézier surface
- 球域Bézier曲线 ball Bézier curve
- 给出球域B ez ier曲线的升阶公式,并证明在不断升阶的过程中球域控制顶点的并集收敛到原球域B ez ier曲线. The degree elevation formula for ball Bezier curve is given,and it is proved that the(union) of ball control point converges to the original ball Bezier curve as the degree is elevated incessantly.
- 圆盘/球域控制点Bézier/B样条曲线/曲面 disk/ball Bézier/B-spline curves/surfaces
- 球域Bezler曲线 ball Bezier curve
- 她的成绩是B+。 She got a grade of B plus.
- 毛球 hair bulb
- B-样条曲线曲面 b-spline curve surface
- 邻域 neighborhood
- T-Bézier曲线 T-Béier curves
- comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。 The "b" in "comb" is not sounded.
- 半球的 hemispherical
- m维曲面 m-dimensional surface
- 棉球 tampon
- 论域 universe of discourse
- 溜溜球 yo-yo
- TC-Bézier曲线 TC-Bézier curves
- 三分球 three-pointer
- 特殊曲面的规范B基表示 The representation of special surfaces by normalized B-basis
- s域 s-domain