- 球域Bezler曲线 ball Bezier curve
- 毛球 hair bulb
- 标准曲线 specification curve
- 邻域 neighborhood
- 半球的 hemispherical
- 棉球 tampon
- 拟合曲线 fitting curve
- 论域 universe of discourse
- 溜溜球 yo-yo
- 三分球 three-pointer
- 艾宾浩斯曲线 Ebbinghaus curve
- s域 s-domain
- 你是个废物/混球! You're a jerk!
- 贝塞尔曲线 Bezier
- z域 z-domain
- 居里曲线 Curie plot
- ε邻域 ε-neighborhood
- 这球已失去弹力。 The ball has lost its bounce.
- 曲线型是他绘画的一贯特点。 The distortion of form is a constant in his painting.
- 不相交子域 disjoint subrange