- 班纳特夫人:有电话吗? MRS. BENNETT: Was there any telephone service?
- 吗 morphine
- 班纳特夫人:有暖气吗? MRS. BENNETT: Was there any heat?
- 班纳特夫人:有热水吗? MRS. BENNETT: Was there any hot water?
- 你家有电话吗? Is there a telephone in your house?
- 班纳特夫人:如果他们不让我尽快见到你父亲,我会疯的。 MRS. BENNETT: If they do not let me see your father soon, I'll go crazy.
- 因为我母亲有电话,所以与她联系方便多了。 Now that my mother has a telephone, it's much easier to get in touch with her.
- 班纳特夫人:打算在斯坦福德租一个? MRS. BENNETT: And get one in Stamford?
- 我洗澡时请你留心听着有没有电话来. Please listen out for the phone while I'm in the bath.
- 房间里有电话吗? Do all your rooms have telephone extensions?
- 班纳特夫人:排练得怎么样? MR. BENNETT: How was the rehearsal?
- 你能告诉我离这儿最近的地方哪儿有电话? Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is?
- 班纳特夫人:什么时候检查? MRS. BENNETT: When will that be?
- 你能明天回个电话吗? Would you call back tomorrow?
- 班纳特夫人:谢谢你,医生。 MRS. BENNETT: Thank you, Doctor.
- 恐怕不太好。你可以打到我家。我的履历表上有电话号码。 No, I'm afraid not. You can call me at my house. The telephone number is written on my resume.
- 你能接下电话吗? Would you answer the phone please?
- 班纳特夫人:噢,噢,记起来了。 MRS. BENNETT: Oh, oh, yes.
- 我们如果对指挥有意见,发现有不妥的地方,有电话可以联络。 If we had any different opinions about the way they were commanding an operation or discovered something that could be done better,we would contact them on the telephone.
- 班纳特夫人:谢谢你,你怎么来了? MRS. BENNETT: Thank you. Why are you here?