- 班纳特夫人:什么事???他没事吧? MRS. BENNETT: Yes? . . . Is he all right?
- 什么 what
- 班纳特夫人:什么时候检查? MRS. BENNETT: When will that be?
- 班纳特夫人:如果他们不让我尽快见到你父亲,我会疯的。 MRS. BENNETT: If they do not let me see your father soon, I'll go crazy.
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 班纳特夫人:有暖气吗? MRS. BENNETT: Was there any heat?
- 什么事导致他辞职的? What led him to resign his office?
- 班纳特夫人:有热水吗? MRS. BENNETT: Was there any hot water?
- 你来这里之前做什么事? What did you do prior to coming here?
- 班纳特夫人:有电话吗? MRS. BENNETT: Was there any telephone service?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 什么事 what
- 班纳特夫人:打算在斯坦福德租一个? MRS. BENNETT: And get one in Stamford?
- 他们出了什么事啦? What befell them?
- 班纳特夫人:排练得怎么样? MR. BENNETT: How was the rehearsal?
- 谁都不敢说将来会发生什么事。 You can never tell what will happen in the future.
- 班纳特夫人:但是他会没事吗? MRS. BENNETT: But will he be all right?
- 什么事闹哄哄的? What's all this rumpus about?
- 班纳特夫人:但是他会没事吗? MRS. BENNETT: But will he be all right?