- 现在谁在开球? Who's kicking off?
- 现在是谁在开球? Who's kicking off?
- 现在是谁在开球? Who's kicking off?
- 哈瓦已经搞不清楚现在谁在阿尔巴尼亚执政,也叫不出她所有后代的名字。 She is unable to say who rules Albania these days and has a hard job remembering the names of all her grandchildren.
- 开球 kickoff
- 现在谁在管理世界 Look Who's Running The World Now
- 四分卫后场运动员,位置在开球线后面,通常为比赛发号指令 The backfield player whose position is behind the line of scrimmage and who usually calls the signals for the plays.
- 现在谁在治理这个国家? Who is governing the country now?
- 谁在吹号角? Who is blowing the horn?
- 门将在开球门球时,因故意拖延时间而被出示了一张黄牌。 The goalkeeper stalled as starting the goal kick,being given a yellow card.
- 现在谁还向梵蒂冈的阿波罗·贝尔维迪艺术品顶礼膜拜呢? Who bows the knee to the art work of the Apollo Belvedere in the Vatican now?
- 谁在争端中充当调解人? Who will act as mediator in the dispute.
- 现在谁掌权? Who is in authority (ie holds the position of command) now?
- 谁在用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破,岁月在墙上剥落看见小时侯。 Who played over a lute amid east breezes, Heart torn apart and tune falling into pieces? A weary wall stands peeling and silent.Doesn't it remind all but an age innocent?
- 开球开始球赛或中线开球 To begin or resume play with a kickoff.
- “谁得意,谁失意,谁在一边耍诡计”(詹姆斯·赖斯顿) "who's up, who's down and who's chiseling on the side" (James Reston)
- 你们哪位先开球? Which of you should tee off first?
- 因为他多次谎发警报,现在谁也不会相信他遭难了。 Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times.
- 蓝队开球。 The blue team will kick off.