- 现在我可以回家吗?--绝对不可以。 Can I go home now? --By no means.
- “我现在可以辞职吗?我可以回家吗?” "Can I quit now? Can I come home?"
- 我可以回家吗? Could I go home?
- 吗 morphine
- 现在我可以在浩瀚的空间里自由的飞 I can fly through-out the widest space
- 妈妈,不要!妈妈要是皮诺曹变得真诚了,我也变成了一个真正的孩子,我可以回家吗? Mommy, don't! Mommy if Pinocchio became real and I become a real boy can I come home?
- 贝基: 现在我可以去洗头,做头发。 I can do with a shampoo and a hairset.
- 现在我可以和你沟通了. I'm ready to communicate with you now.
- 假期我可以回家吗? can I go home on vacation?
- 现在我可以凋落而进入真理。 Now I may wither into the truth.
- 现在我可以去洗头,做头发。 I can do with a shampoo and a hairset.
- 我的替身终于来了,我可以回家了。 Finally, my relief had arrived, and I could go home.
- 现在我先让送酒员给您上点饮料好吗? Do you mind if I ask the wine steward to serve you some drink first?
- 现在我可以打开我的箱子了。 Now I can unlock my suitcase.
- 我可以带你回家吗? May I bring you home?
- 我可以借用你的圆珠笔吗?当然可以。 May I borrow your ballpen? Certainly!
- 现在我可以*自己来用电脑了。 Now I can operate under my own steam.
- 我可以开车送你回家吗? Can I run you home?
- 现在我可以坐到靠窗的座位上了。 Now I get the window!
- 我可以请我姨妈来参加婚礼吗?我喜欢她坐在桌旁。 May I invite my aunt to the wedding? I would like her to sit at our table.