- 环孢素A缓释系统 cyclosporine A sustained release system
- 环孢素A缓释系统的眼内释药性和生物相容性的实验研究 Drug release and biocompatibility of cyclosporine A drug delivery system implanting into the anterior chamber
- 前房植入环孢素A缓释系统抑制鼠高危角膜移植术后的免疫排斥反应 Experimental study on the effect of cyclosporine A drug delivery system implanted in anterior chamber on high -risk corneal graft rejection
- 青藤碱、环孢素A对大鼠外周血单个核细胞的协同抑制作用 Synergistic effects of sinomenine in combination with the immunosuppressive drug cy-closporine A on peripheral blood mononuclear cells of rats
- 环孢素,环胞霉素A,山地明,环胞多肽A,环孢霉素,赛斯平 Ciclosporin A
- 环孢素,环孢菌素A,环孢霉素A,山地明,环胞多肽A,环胞灵 CsA
- 肾移植患者停用环孢素A后近期急性排斥及安全停用环孢素A临床研究 Early acute rejection after CsA withdrawal in renal transplantation and clinical study on CsA safe withdrawal
- 维多利长蠕孢素 victorin
- 碳霉素A carbomycinA
- 头霉素A Cephamycin A
- 医生注意到环孢菌素能引起肾损害。 Doctors note that cyclosporine can cause kidney damage.
- 涂霉素A Hehxin
- 狭霉素A angustmycin A
- 环孢素对早期糖尿病肾病大鼠肾脏的保护作用 The reno-protective effects of cyclosporin A on early staged diabetic nephropathy in rats
- 仙茅素A curculigineA
- 五味子素A wuweizisu A
- 治疗药物监测信息软件的研制及环孢素治疗窗的建立 Development of therapeutic drug monitoring information software and effective blood drug concentration range of CsA
- 香茶菜素A rabdosin A
- 香豆霉素A coumermycinA
- 曲古抑霉素A Trichostatin A