- 环Zn上圆锥曲线的盲签名在电子现金中的应用 Applications of conic curves blind signature over Zn in E-cash
- 环Zn上广义圆锥曲线和公钥密码体系 The generalized conic curves over Zn and Public-Key cryptosystem
- 环Zn上圆锥曲线 Conic curve over Z.
- 网络中基于环Zn上椭圆曲线和RSA的密钥管理 Key management based on elliptic curves over the ring Zn and RSA in ad hoc networks
- 环Zn上的圆锥曲线 conic curve over Z.
- 引入了环Zn上广义圆锥曲线Rn(a,b,c),并在Rn(a,b,c)上定义了加法运算,这里n=pq,p、q是不同的奇素数,证明了Zn上的广义圆锥曲线在加法运算下构成一个有限交换群. In this paper,the authors introduce a class of generalized conic curve(GCC) over the residue class ring Zn with an addition operation on the points of GCCs,where n is a product of two large distinct primes. They show that GCC under the defined addition forms a finite Abelian group(GCCG).
- Zn上的椭圆曲线 elliptic curves over Zn
- 环Zn residue class ring Zn
- 二面体群Dn与Zn上的一类全向置换 The Dihedral Group Dn and a kind of Omni-Direction Permutations on Zn
- 圆环 traffic circle
- 在联欢晚会上大家都非常愉快。 Everybody enjoyed himself ever so at the evening party.
- 5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。 Many children under 5 go to nursery school.
- 按上 push-in
- 内环 inner belt
- 巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。 The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.
- 壁上的 mural
- 杂环 heterocycle
- 再上 remount
- 密封环 packing washer
- 在这个世界上,她的女儿是她最爱的人。 Her daughter is all in all to her in the world.