- 狮子多长时间产一次仔? How often do lions breed?
- 狮子多长时间产一次仔? How often do lions breed?
- 你多长时间骑一次马? How often do you go riding?
- 你多长时间剪一次指甲? How often do you do your nails?
- 狮子多次尝试捕捉它们,但是没有成功过。 The lion tried many times to catch them, but could not do so.
- 会议开始时,问一下会议将持续多长时间。 At the beginning of the meeting, ask how long the meeting will last.
- 多长时间? For how long?
- "Inthefamilyway" 是一种老式的表达方式,意为 "怀孕" 。 "In the family way" is an old-fashioned expression meaning "pregnant".
- 你知道莉莉多长时间去看一次她的爷爷奶奶吗? Do you know how often Lily visit her grandparents?
- 机车在段停留时间 Detention time of locomotive at depot
- 有调中转车停留时间 Detention time of car in transit with resorting
- 无调中转车停留时间 Detention time of car in transit without resorting
- 小麦多肽 wheat peptides
- 蛇多长时间蜕一次皮? How often does a snake shed its skin?
- 我尽情享受了一次长时间的热水澡。 I indulged myself with a long hot bath.
- 你手术后过了多长时间才痊愈? How long did it take you to recuperate completely from your operation?
- 最长允许过期时间已更改。重设票证过期值,然后再试一次。 The maximum allowed time of expiry has been changed. Reset the ticket expiry value and try again.
- 您将在中国停留多长时间? How long do you expect to be stay in China?
- 坐小轿车去车站要多长时间? How long does it take to go to the station by car?
- 好,停!谢谢,迈克,顺便问一句,你当多长时间的摄影师了? OK, cut. Thanks, Mike. By the way, how long have you been a cameraman?