- 狗为什不喜欢夏天? Why do dogs not like summers?
- 您问我为什不公开反对这条修正案,我回问了您同样的问题。 When you asked me why I am not speaking out against the bill, I responded by asking you the same question.
- 你不喜欢夏天的哪一点呢? What is it you don't like about summer weather?
- 这条狗为它的主人看家。 The dog overwatches his master's house.
- 不喜欢 have no use for
- 什 tenth
- 你不喜欢夏天的那一点呢? What is you don't like about summer weather?
- 两只狗为抢一块骨头而打架,第三只狗把骨头叼跑了。 Two dogs fight for abone,and a third runs away with it.
- 像许多精神分裂症患者一样,纳什不认为自己有病。 Like so many people who suffer from schizophrenia,Nash did not believe that he was sick.
- 什不闲儿 a kind of ballad-singing; accompanied by gong, drum, cymbals, etc.
- 你喜欢夏天吗? Do you like summer?
- 你想叫我走,为什麽拐弯抹角而不直说? If you wanted me to go why didn't you say so in plain English instead of making vague hints?
- 我最喜欢夏天。 I like summer best.
- 不知什么原因,我近来不喜欢吃鸡蛋。 I seem to have gone off eggs lately for some reason.
- 你为什麽乱翻我的文件? Why are you poking about among my papers?
- 有人喜欢夏天的雷雨, the thunderstorm of summer
- 为什麽要这样急急忙忙的? Why all this mad rush?
- 我不喜欢他在自己新作中对这一主题的论述。 I do not like his treatment of the theme in his new book.
- 我非常喜欢夏天的夜晚。 I really love summer evenings.
- 为什麽要把伤残人士和身体健康的人分开? Why should the handicappedbe segregated from the able-bodied?