- 父母应该给孩子? Ought Parents to Give Children Pocket Money?
- 父母应该给孩子留多少自由的空间? How much leeway should parents give their children?
- 父母应该教育孩子有礼貌。 Parents should educate their children to have good manners.
- 你应该给孩子们更多的自由,你不能按老黄历办事。 You will have to give your children more freedom, and you can't put the clock back.
- 父母应该严格还是放任? Should parents be strict or permissive?
- 你应该给孩子们更多的机会,使他们有自己的时间和空间与朋友一起玩或者做他们想做的事。 You should give your children more opportunities to have personal time and space to hang out with friends or do whatever they want.
- 父母应该对其子女的教育负有责任。 Parents are responsible to their children for their education.
- 他给孩子买了一箱橘子。 He bought a crate of oranges for his children.
- 父母应该教育孩子不要喊。 Parents should teach their children not to cry wolf.
- 她给孩子们上音乐课。 She gives the children lessons in music.
- 不论是公开的汪精卫和暗藏的汪精卫,都应该给以坚决的打击。 Determined blows must be struck at all the open or undercover Wang Ching-weis.
- 儿女逃学,父母应该罚款吗? Should parents of truant children be fined?
- 我给孩子买了几根棒棒糖。 I bought the child some sticks of candy.
- 父母应该为代沟负主要责任。 Parents should assume main responsibility for generation gap.
- 我应该给答复。 I ought to give a reply.
- 父母应该允许他们那样做。 They should be allowed to do this.
- 我认为你应该给这个字加上括号。 I think you should bracket this word.
- 父母应该注意让孩子每天刷牙。 Parents should see to it that their children brush their teeth every day.
- 我的母亲说我应该给您写封感谢信,感谢您送给我的照片。 My mom said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me.
- 父母应该教导孩子不可有偷窃行为。 Parents should teach their kids not to have itchy fingers.