- 照片上你能看到多少人? How many people can you see in the picture?
- 在桌子上你能看到多少杯水? How many glasses of water can you see on the table?
- 你能看到多少瓶啤酒? How many bottles of beer can you see?
- 你能从照片上这些人中找出你母亲吗? Can you pick out your mother from amongst the group on that photograph?
- 那是不是穿着件外套的活的动物?从这张照片上你无法区分出来的。 Was there a live animal that was in that coat? You can't make it out from this picture.
- 你在动物园里能看到多少动物? How many animals cna you see in the zoo?
- 您能看到冷锋在天空照片上的移动。 You can see the cold front moving in at the top of the sky photo.
- 你的名册上记了多少人的名字? How many names are there on your books?
- 在这个问题上你能不能真正地跟我说实话? Will you be quite frank with me about this matter?
- 照片上孩子们的脸模糊不清。 The children's faces are badly out of focus(= not clearly shown)in the photograph.
- 他在照片上的形象不好看。 He takes badly .
- 图上你能看到什么?一位老人。 What can you see in the picture? An old man.
- 我帮不上你的忙 I Can't Help You Out
- 在圆圈里你能数出多少个雪糕? How many ice lollies can you count in the circle?
- 最快乐能看到的, The grandest sight to see
- 从围绕火星运行和在火星上着陆的宇宙飞船所传回来的照片上,可以看到一大批令人感兴趣的地质结构。 The pictures radioed back by spacecraft that have orbited and landed on Mars show a host of intriguing geologic structures.
- 你能在心想像无限吗? Can you represent infinity to yourself?
- 说不定还能看到日出啊! Perhaps we might have even seen the sunrise!
- 你能替我弄到一些标本吗? Can you procure some specimens for me/procure me some specimens?
- 真人真事:在他去埃及旅行的一张照片上可以看到在一队旅游者正在凝望国王谷时,依万斯特却盯着垃圾堆看,数着可乐罐。 True story: A photograph from his trip to Egypt shows a group of tourists gazing at the Valley of the Kings--Ivester is staring into the garbage,counting Coke cans.