- 然后就完了?你现在做事不计划不思考吗? So its ended. So now you don'; t have something thought and planned?
- 大英雄来了!杀了龙,干完了并杀死了公主,然后就离开。 The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon, fukcs the princess and kills her, then leaves.
- 咱们本来应该只求心心相相印就完了,不应该别生枝节。 We ought to have lived in mental communion, and no more
- 完了 have had it
- 他们一道走了一英里,然后就分手了。 They walked a mile together and then separated.
- 乾脆把他看成是个古怪的讨厌家伙不去理他,不就完了吗。 It's easy to write him off as just an eccentric old bore.
- 我们匆匆吃完饭然后就离开了。 We had a hasty meal and then left.
- 如果败诉,她就完了。 If she loses the court case it will ruin her.
- 他呻吟了一声,然后就闭上了眼睛。 He moaned out a sound and then closed his eyes .
- 一旦失业,你就完了。 Once you are unemployed, you are done for.
- 他们一道走了一英里,然后就分手了。 They walked a mile together and then separated.
- 不然你的膝盖就完了。 Or it's your kneecap next.
- 我把蛋糕留在烤箱里烤制,然后就走开了。 I left the cake in the oven.
- 你不服从我你就完了。 Get a good look at his face You disobey me you are done.
- 他低声叽咕了几句道歉的话,然后就走了。 He muttered a few words of apology and with that he left.
- 有危险并不就完了蛋。 All is not lost that is in peril.
- 他说了几个字,然后就在沙发上昏过去了。 He said a few words, then passed out on the couch.
- 咱们之间早就完了。 We were finished a long time ago.
- 您可以自己做个实验,然后就会明白我的意思了。 You can experiment with it and see what I mean.
- 再过两个星期就完了。 In another two weeks it'll be finished.