- 现在随时都有火箭发射。
Space rockets are being sent up all the time.
- 早年对军用火箭进行的实验为发展航天技术奠定了基础。
Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground for space travel.
- 科学家利用计算机计算了火箭可能运行的轨道。
Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket.
- 载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭马上就要发射了。
A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon.
- 第一级运载火箭是用来发射火箭的,进入高层大气後即抛掉。
The first-stage vehicle is used to launch the rocket and is then jettisoned in the upper atmosphere.
- 火箭绕地球运行一周后返回基地。
The rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base.
- 他们发出了一枚呼救信号火箭。
They sent a distress rocket.
- 想象一下能以光的速度飞行的火箭。
Imagine a rocket that can travel at the rate of light!