- 谁把我的火柴拿走了?
Who's bagged my matches?
- 把这件事当作你的教训,再也不要玩火柴了!
Let this be a lesson to you never to play with matches!
- 他划了根火柴,点著了导火索。
He struck a match and ignited the fuse.
- 别玩火柴了,不然要把房子烧了。
Stop buggering about with those matches or you'll set the house on fire.
- 火柴的光亮在黑暗中一闪。
The match flared in the darkness.
- 让小孩玩火柴有意义吗?
Does it make sense to let children play with matches?
- 我没有火柴不能点火。
I can't start a fire without matches.
- 她用一根火柴点燃了雪茄。
She lit a cigar with a match.