- 感染 infection
- 病毒感染 virus infection
- 她收到邀请时很激动。 She thrilled at the invitation.
- 尿路感染 urinary tract infection
- 她十分激动。 She was in great agitation.
- 上呼吸道感染 URI
- 激动使她的嗓音都变了。 Excitement toned her voice.
- 被感染的 infected
- 你们在旅行中有没有什么令人激动的事情? Were there any exciting incidents during your journey?
- 感染的 tainted
- 他是个容易激动的艺术家。 He is a high-strung artist.
- 细菌感染 bacterial infection
- 她的谈话使他很激动。 He was thrilled by her conversation.
- 被节日的欢乐气氛所感染 Caught the joyous mood of the festival.
- 你太容易激动了。 You ruffle too easily.
- 交叉感染 cross transmission; cross-infection
- 他激动得面部抽搐。 His face worked with emotion.
- 呼吸道感染 respiratory tract infection
- 她激动得脸绯红。 Her face flamed with excitement.
- 她激动不已。 She was tingling with excitement.