- 滤过复合Weibull过程 filtered compound Weibull process
- 滤过复合Poisson过程 filtered Poisson process
- Weibull过程 Weibull process
- 本文将AMSAA模型推广到多台系统进行同步开发的情况,给出了Weibull过程参数的最大似然(ML)估计及平均无故障工作时间(MTBF)的区间估计。 In this paper the AMSAA model for multi-system simultaneous development is discussed. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimates of the parameters and the confidence intervals of the (MTBF) for Weibull process are presented.
- 把复合弯道变成一个弯来处理在过复合弯道时可以把他们变成一个弯来处理。当你遇到许多复合的不同半径的弯时,你可以把他们当成一个弯来对付。 Consider complex curves as one integrated compound curve. In the case of complex curves with different radii, you can manage to get through by considering them as one curve.
- 复合式滤过术 combined filtering operation
- 滤过胃 filtration stomach
- 滤过屏障 filtration barrier
- 水滤过沙土流入井内。 Water filters through sandy soil and into the well.
- 铜滤过 copper filtration
- 滤过比 filtration ratio
- 滤过部 filter house
- 滤过的 filtered
- 滤过膜 filter membrane
- 滤过器 pass filter
- 滤过水 filtered water
- 滤过隙 filtration slit
- 滤过型 filterable form
- 滤过性病毒 filterable virus
- 滤过压 filtration pressure